Tecnoempleo growth in 2013 overview

With almost three millions users, in 2013 Tecnoempleo.com has received around six millions and a half visitors, serving forty eight million pages.

Rising by 21% from 2012.

tecnoempleo-cifras2013 have been a year of Growth and Expansion on Tecnoempleo.com.
The Jobsite specialised in Computing and Telecommunications, has been visited from 181 countries, almost all of the world.

The most importants sorted by visits, after Spain, are: United States, Mexico, Colombia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Venenzuela and Italy.

Tecnoempleo is also available on iOS and Android, and the mobile phone apps are being downloaded and used in a lot of these countries.
» Tecnoempleo iOS en App Store
» Tecnoempleo Android en Play Store
» m.tecnoempleo.com

On 2013 the number of new users has increased more than a 7%, this means a total of 353.000 registered IT jobseekers.
A 90% are from Spain, the other 10% live in other countries of Europe and America.

tecnoempleo-cifras 2.500 new Employers have also arrived to Tecnoempleo, and they are looking for IT proffesionals.. This means an increase of 20%.

So the total of Companies registered in December 2013 is 13.140.

They have published more than 27,000 new jobs, and more than 30,000 workplaces, all of them of the IT sector.

More and more of these Companies are in European countries. For example Germany, France, United Kingdom, Belgium and Netherlands.
» Look for Jobs abroad

Along 2013, Tecnoempleo has improved his Services of e-recruitment solutions IT for Jobseekers and Employers.
» See Services for Jobseekers
» See Services for Companies

New forms of presentacion of the Cv have been added: Cv Classic, with up to 5 Cvs availables, Professional Cv in English, PDF Cv, Visual format, and the Professional Public Profile IT, with an URL with the name and surname of the Jobseeker… All of them have been favourable received by the users.

Social Network of IT Jobseekers:
Directory and sharing information: » Professional Public Profile IT Directory

The presence on Social Network is also important for Tecnoempleo.com:

youtube tecnoempleoLinkedin tecnoempleofacebook tecnoempleogoogle plus tecnoempleotwitter tecnoempleo

The best improved Services, the new Channels and the website translated into different languages, put Tecnoempleo in the Top 1 of Jobsites of e-recruitment specialised in Computing and Telecommunitacion.

Tecnoempleo Websites:
IT Training
IT Statistics
RSS Jobs
First Job
Online Training
Work Abroad
Tecnoempleo Channels:
First Job
Work Abroad

In 2014, Tecnompleo will continue with its goal of linking Employers and Jobseekers with new proposals, finding the way to get better and reaching more countries.


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