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Privacy Policy

The TECNOEMPLEO® Employment portal is a service of Cyberempleo, S.L. Tecnoempleo® is a Community Trademark, registered at OHIM under number 010040855 and a Spanish National Trademark, registered at OEPM under number 2240137.

The Cyberempleo Society, S.L. is the owner of the websites,, and the Tecnoempleo® mobile applications for iPhone and Android.

Cyberempleo S.L. – NIF B47521554
Enrolled in RMVa T1068, F70, HVA-15049
C/Estación, nº1, 47004 – Valladolid

This company is the owner of the TECNOEMPLEO® Employment Portal, and its Database registered in the Data Protection Agency with the Code 2000410141.

It complies with the regulations regulated by the RGPD that will replace, as of May 2018, the current Organic Law on Data Protection and Regulation RD-1720/2007.

Basic information about privacy

Responsible: Cyberempleo S.L.
Purpose: Enable contact between companies offering employment and professionals seeking employment, as well as providing services related to training and job search.
Recipients: Companies offering employment through, as well as third parties with whom Tecnoempleo establishes agreements to provide services to its users
Rights: All those included in the RGPD

What data do we request?

The personal data requested from candidate users who voluntarily wish to enter their curriculum vitae in the database: name, address, contact telephone number(s), e-mail, level of training, profession, are appropriate and relevant and strictly necessary for the purpose given to them, which is the possibility of contact between the companies offering employment and the professionals requesting it through the computer service made possible by Tecnoempleo®. A user candidate is understood to be any natural person, with training in the Information Technology sector, who wishes to be in the jobsite, to obtain a job in this sector, or to change or improve the one they currently have.

User companies that voluntarily register with Tecnoempleo® to insert and manage their job offers are requested to provide data such as name, address, telephone numbers and contact email, NIF, and website and that they are appropriate. and relevant and strictly necessary for the purpose for which they are given. A user company is understood to be any legal entity, commercial company, or any self-employed professional that offers employment in the field of Information Technologies.

Legitimation for data processing

Users (companies and candidates), by clicking on the “SIGN UP COMPANY/SIGN UP CANDIDATE” button on the registration form, give their express and unequivocal consent to their processing, as well as, where appropriate, to their transfer. to third parties for the fulfillment of the service, within the framework established by current legislation.

Candidates who voluntarily agree to the insertion of their personal data into the Tecnoempleo® Database, expressly, precisely and unequivocally agree to know: – That they enter personal data into a Database, intended to provide them with access opportunities to job offers published by companies.
– That the data that must be covered are strictly necessary to facilitate the search function in the Database by those companies expressly authorized by Tecnoempleo®.
– That they have the possibility of keeping their personal data private, leaving only those belonging to their professional profile visible. If, once these have been located by the authorized companies, they wish to contact such candidates, Tecnoempleo® will each request authorization to facilitate said contact between the specific company and the candidate, and may reject this possibility.
– That they permanently have the possibility of accessing their personal page through their email and password, to completely and directly rectify, modify and cancel all their data and the specific services requested by users (newsletter, alerts, etc).
– That your data is processed by those offering companies to which the professional voluntarily sends their employment request, and by those expressly authorized by Tecnoempleo® to consult their database, being able, in this case, to protect your personal data through the level of privacy of your resume, as previously expressed.

What rights do I have over my data?

The user may at any time exercise his or her right of access to personal data relating to the interested party, to request its rectification or deletion, to request the limitation of its processing, to oppose the processing and portability of the data, using the e-mail. or the code and password included when registering or by contacting Tecnoempleo®

Social site: Cyberempleo, S.L., Estación nº 1 – 47004 Valladolid (Spain).

The user, as stated, has full access to all of his or her rights protected by the configuration of the Tecnoempleo® portal, which facilitates their exercise in an automatic and personal manner. For any clarification or discrepancy you have access to the technicians and legal services of Tecnoempleo®, who will provide you with whatever information is appropriate for these purposes.

Insofar as it is not expressly indicated in this document, Tecnoempleo® is subject to the provisions of the current legislation on the matter. In particular, the RGPD and the provisions of the L.O. 15/1999, of December 13, on Protection of Personal Data (BOE 12-14-1999) and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (BOE 07-12-2002).

Additionally, Tecnoempleo provides tools to the user to manage the level of access to their data, through three levels of privacy:

Visible: Your CV and personal data are visible to companies with access to your CV in the Database and your Public Profile.
Private: Your personal data is NOT visible to companies that have access to your CV in the Database and your Public Profile. If a company wishes to contact you, it must do so through the communication department, which requests your authorization so that we provide it with your contact information. We do it by telephone or by e-mail.
Inaccessible: Your personal data and your resume are NOT visible in any case to companies that have access to your CV in the DB and your Public Profile. Only those companies to which you have expressly sent it when linking to a specific offer will be able to see the inaccessible resume.

Data security

The database in which they are stored is the property of Tecnoempleo®, which guarantees the technical and organizational measures necessary for the security and integrity of the personal data it contains, in accordance with current legislation, taking into account the state of technology, nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or the physical or natural environment.

It is the responsibility of the owner of the data to ensure their accuracy, as well as to update them, which is facilitated by the system tool “modify resume” or “request modification of Company Data”. You can also completely delete your data using the “delete c.v.” tool. or “discharge from service.”

If it is verified in any way that the data entered is inaccurate or incomplete, it will be cancelled.

Electronic communications

Automatic Reception of Alerts: Tecnoempleo® offers candidates the possibility of receiving daily, in an automated manner, job offers that meet the desired characteristics.

Registration in this service is done when entering the data in Tecnoempleo®, or later, from its management page. The candidate must indicate, for each alert, the desired technology, and may add the type of experience required and the province in which the job is offered.

Tecnoempleo® will include in these automatic messages other information that it considers of interest to the candidates, such as courses, events, etc.

Automatic reception of Newsletter and Agents: Both candidates and companies can request periodic receipt of information with news and improvements in the services provided and other matters of interest, while remembering their presence on the portal, and the instructions to activate the appropriate modifications.

If the user wishes to renounce or modify this service, they can do so easily from their own management page, deleting each or every one of the communications they have requested.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your computer when you visit our Site, which contain session data that may be useful later on the website. These make it easier to maintain your information when browsing between pages, and allow you to analyze the way you interact with the Site.

Cookies are secure: they can only store the information provided by the browser you use, what you have entered yourself in the browser, or the information included in the request for the specific page. Cookies cannot execute code, and cannot be used to access your PC.

Cookies are essential for the Internet to function: they facilitate the provision of interactive services, and promote the navigation and usability of the website. They cannot cause any damage to your computer, and in the case of an error, they allow you to identify and solve it.

There are different types of cookies for different functions:
Permanent cookies: they are stored on the hard drive and the website reads them each time a new visit is made. Although they are called “permanent”, they have a limited duration. After a certain date, they stop working. These cookies facilitate the different services provided by the Websites.
Session cookies: they are temporary. They are not stored on your hard drive, but in the cookie file of your browser, and they disappear when you leave the Website. They offer useful information to analyze traffic patterns on the web. This analysis offers guidelines to improve content and facilitate usability.

The main cookies we use are:
Necessary cookies, because they serve for correct navigation, allow payment for services requested by the user or serve to ensure the correct loading of the content of the website. Analytical cookies, which facilitate periodic maintenance and guarantee the best possible service to the user. They collect statistical data on the activity.
Third-party cookies, such as those used by social networks, or by other external content complements. Sometimes our partners with whom we promote may include cookies to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Different Internet browsers, in their configuration or options, allow you to disable cookies or limit their operation. The method to do this varies from one to another, but the Help offers guidelines for doing it.

Many of them provide the possibility of activating a “private” or “incognito” mode, which deletes cookies after each visit.

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