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How to post job offers for free

Posting job offers is one of the best ways to get candidates to discover them and send their CVs. There are many platforms that allow us to publish Job Offers, but not all of them allow us to perform a free test by publishing our first offer without cost or subsequent commitment to evaluate whether the platform can provide us with the Candidates we are looking for.

What factors should we take into account when choosing the platform on which we want to publish?

Try before you buy

It is essential to be able to test the platform before any contracting, to make sure that the service we can get is the one we need.

In, for the Companies that register for the first time in the platform, we offer the option of publishing a free job offer without any kind of commitment, in order to evaluate the functioning of the platform and the profiles of the Candidates.


Orientation to the candidate profile we are looking for

The first factor we must take care of is the most basic, but the most important; are the professionals we are looking for on the platform we are testing? A generic Job Portal can provide us with many candidates, but a large proportion of them will be profiles that have nothing to do with what we are looking for. We should look for the specific platforms for the industry or specialization we are looking for, as this will provide us with the best chance of reaching the candidates we are looking for.

At we are 100% focused on the technological profile; we only publish technological job offers, and our candidates are 100% technological.

Is the platform reliable for candidates?

Many sites on the Internet allow you to post job offers, often free of charge. But candidates are not willing to enter private and confidential data such as their work history on any page. We must avoid at all costs pages whose only function is to collect email addresses of candidates, without often the offers they publish are not even real. It is highly recommended to publish only in well-known, reputable sites that offer easy contact channels to clarify any doubts that may arise. Tip: check the Contact section. If all the Company’s data is not published, and contact information such as telephone or email address, be suspicious. has been the reference in Technology Employment for all technology professionals since 2000.

Where are the offers published?

If the platform we are evaluating only publishes the offers on its own pages, it will hardly reach all the candidates. We are interested in sites that will spread our offers in all those places where the Candidates we are looking for are looking for a job. This is the only way to ensure maximum dissemination.

How to post job offers for free publishes its offers on all these platforms


Is the platform growing?

A platform that does not grow in Candidates will only provide us with old CVs, not very updated and therefore not very useful. Does the platform provide up-to-date information on the number and type of candidates on the platform? includes, in an open and transparent manner, real-time statistics on the number and type of candidates registered.

As we can see, not only the fact of being able to post for free is an important factor when choosing our job posting platform.


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